Amelie has recently been widowed and lives in local authority housing. She receives Universal Credit (UC) and Housing Benefit (HB) ………..
Client Profile: Amelie has recently been widowed and lives in local authority housing. She receives Universal Credit (UC) and Housing Benefit (HB). Unfortunately Amelie can not work due to her severe health problems and was referred to us due to her vulnerability.
Reason client needs advice: Amelie was struggling to make ends meet financially, she has severe health issues which means she is unable to work. Amelie could not afford to use her heating and was unable to pay for food.
Amelie had limited digital capabilities and was therefore struggling to access her UC journal, she also needed assistance with her Personal Independence Payment (PIP) application, of which she had scored zero points for both elements - care and mobility.
What we have done to help the client: Citizens Advice Harlow gave the client fuel and food bank vouchers to help her in the short term whilst our Benefits Team assisted her with her Universal Credit and Personal Independent issues.
#TeamHarlow helped Amelie reset her password to her UC journal and to respond back to the messages from the DWP, the messages where regarding her limited capability for work related activities (LCWRA) element of her UC which had been approved.
We assisted the client in submitting a mandatory reconsideration for the recent PIP decision to the DWP.
Amelie can now access her UC journal and understands how to respond back to messages left for her, her LCWRA payments of £354.28 per calendar month are now being applied.
Amelie's mandatory reconsideration was approved and she was awarded the higher rate for both elements - mobility and care, this results to 226 weekly payments at £152.15.
Amelie is now better off by £1,013.00 per month.
NOTE: All client stories have had certain details changed or omitted to preserve the clients anonymity.